After years of work, and countless hours provided by dedicated stakeholders, EDF’s Investor Confidence Project (ICP) is proud to announce the launch of the Investor Ready Energy Efficiency™ (IREE™) Certification. This certification represents the final component of the ICP System and provides building owners and investors at-a-glance confirmation of an energy efficiency project’s level of quality in engineering and projected financial returns. Supporting this launch is the release of a number of Investor Ready Energy Efficiency (IREE™) project profiles that demonstrate the range of projects undergoing certification and how ICP credentialed providers are integrating ICP into their business models.
The profiles also illustrate how the ICP System is deployed in the marketplace to add value to project origination for developers, investors, building owners, program managers and others. ICP would like to thank the following ICP Credentialed Project Developers who participated in the development of the initial IREE project profiles: The ICP System is gaining momentum and these initial projects represent the tip of the iceberg. | "ICP creates a standard approach...The protocols will provide the investment community with the confidence that projects will yield actual benefits and results similar to those that were predicted.” - Andrew Brooks, AEA ICP creates confidence in energy efficiency project performance, and Bright Power is proud to deliver one of the first IREE projects.” - Jeffrey Perlman, Bright Power "ICP protocols provide a much needed industry standard for project development and align with JCI’s engineering and development practices providing owners and investors greater confidence.” - Robert Mitchell Jr., Johnson Controls “These projects are multi-year commitments for NorthWrite, our financing and insurance partners and our customers. The ICP certification process gives all parties an additional level of scrutiny and verification of the key project engineering and financial metrics before committing to the project.” - Dave Burchfield, NorthWrite “As investors that provide capital under pay for performance structures, ICP's Investor Ready Energy Efficiency™.certification allows us to underwrite investments more quickly, easily and accurately.” - Maria Fields, Joule Assets "Incorporating ICP into our existing processes. not only validated the rigorousness of our own development methods, but it also gives comfort to future co-investors regarding the quality of our projects.” - Steve Gossett Jr., SCIenergy |