ICP Project Development Templates are first of a kind ready-to-use templates that facilitate the fast and efficient creation of key components required by the ICP Protocols such as Operational Performance Verification (OPV or targeted-commissioning), Operations, Maintenance and Monitoring (OM&M), and Measurement and Verification (M&V) plans.
OPV Plan Template - Operational Performance Verification. This OPV plan template provides a framework and outline of the specific language for creating a project specific commissioning plan. The OPV plan can be used directly to describe the commissioning process to support Investor Confidence Project (ICP) compliant projects that use either in-house or third-party commissioning providers. Some sections will require the user to customize the language to fit owner requirements or project specific requirements.
OM&M Plan Template - Operations, Maintenance and Monitoring. This OM&M plan template provides a framework and outline for creating a project specific OM&M plan. The OM&M plan can be used directly to describe the OM&M process to support Investor Confidence Project (ICP) compliant projects. Some sections will require the user to customize the language to fit owner requirements or project specific requirements. This OM&M plan can be used as a stand-alone document, or included as an appendix to the commissioning (OPV) plan.
M&V Plan Template: Option C - Measurement and Verification, IPMVP Option C, Whole Facility. This M&V plan template provides a framework and outline for creating a project-specific M&V plan adherent to the IPMVP Option C, Whole Facility approach. The M&V plan can be used directly to describe the M&V process to support Investor Confidence Project (ICP) compliant projects. Various sections will require the user to customize the language to fit project-specific details. This M&V Plan template was developed with contributions by David Jump of Quantum Energy Services & Technologies, Inc. (QuEST), and the EVO IPMVP Committee.
M&V Plan Template: Option A - Measurement and Verification, IPMVP Option A, Key Parameters (coming soon)
M&V Plan Template: Option B - Measurement and Verification, IPMVP Option B, All Parameter (coming soon)