ICP Project Development Templates are first of a kind ready-to-use templates that facilitate the fast and efficient creation of key components required by the ICP Protocols such as Operational Performance Verification (OPV or targeted-commissioning), Operations, Maintenance and Monitoring (OM&M), and Measurement and Verification (M&V) plans.
These tools represent a comprehensive publicly available resources, and will need to be adapted to the level of rigor required by each protocol and project. You are not required to use these templates or fill out every section if they don't apply.
The Project Development Specification represents a thorough set of best practices designed to work on the most comprehensive projects and with the full range of ICP Protocols and will likely need to be adapted for each project and protocol. Project Developers and Quality Assurance Assessors should coordinate on requirements and how to apply the Project Development Specification at an appropriate level of rigor relative the requirements of the chosen protocol which should be treated as the source of truth.
OPV Plan Template - Operational Performance Verification. This OPV plan template provides a framework and outline of the specific language for creating a project specific commissioning plan. The OPV plan can be used directly to describe the commissioning process to support Investor Confidence Project (ICP) compliant projects that use either in-house or third-party commissioning providers. Some sections will require the user to customize the language to fit owner requirements or project specific requirements.
OM&M Plan Template - Operations, Maintenance and Monitoring. This OM&M plan template provides a framework and outline for creating a project specific OM&M plan. The OM&M plan can be used directly to describe the OM&M process to support Investor Confidence Project (ICP) compliant projects. Some sections will require the user to customize the language to fit owner requirements or project specific requirements. This OM&M plan can be used as a stand-alone document, or included as an appendix to the commissioning (OPV) plan.
M&V Plan Template: Option C - Measurement and Verification, IPMVP Option C, Whole Facility. This M&V plan template provides a framework and outline for creating a project-specific M&V plan adherent to the IPMVP Option C, Whole Facility approach. The M&V plan can be used directly to describe the M&V process to support Investor Confidence Project (ICP) compliant projects. Various sections will require the user to customize the language to fit project-specific details. This M&V Plan template was developed with contributions by David Jump of Quantum Energy Services & Technologies, Inc. (QuEST), and the EVO IPMVP Committee.
M&V Plan Template: Option A - Measurement and Verification, IPMVP Option A, Key Parameters (coming soon)
M&V Plan Template: Option B - Measurement and Verification, IPMVP Option B, All Parameter (coming soon)