The ICP Project Development Specification (PDS) brings the many complex details of an energy efficiency project into focus, providing a clear direction to the entire team with regards to requirements, tools, expectations, and quality management. Its unified approach to project development ensures that projects compliant with the ICP Protocols can be trusted to be consistent in their approach, methodology, and financial returns.
Project DevelopersProject developers are responsible for developing a project based on sound engineering principles and best practices, utilizing industry standard approaches for the development of each component of the project. The ICP Project Development Specification describes the general best practices associated with each of these elements and the resources with which each team member should be familiar. This is necessary so that the methods and results adhere to current industry standards and protocols and follow guidelines that are well established in the industry.
ICP Quality Assurance AssessorsTechnical reviews conducted by ICP Quality Assurance (QA) Assessors verify project documentation to ensure that IREE projects comply with the requirements of the ICP Protocols and the ICP Project Development Specification is a comprehensive resource to ensure that every requirement can be fully understood and evaluated. The independent review provided by ICP Quality Assurance Assessors can be conducted by engineering firms, through a program, or by investors.