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ACH: Air changes per hour
AEE: Association of Energy Engineers
ASHRAE: American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers
ASTM: American Society of Testing and Materials
BAS: Building automation system
BMS: Building management system
BEM: Building energy modeling
BEMP: Building energy modeling professional
BEPA: Building Energy Performance Assessment
BESA: Building energy simulation analyst
BPA: Bonneville Power Administration
BPI: Building Performance Institute
Btu: British thermal unit
CAD: Computer aided drafting
CBECS: US EIA’s Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey
CDD: Cooling degree days
CEM: Certified energy manager
CEUS: California Commercial End Use Survey
cfm: Cubic feet per minute
CMVP: Certified measurement and verification professional
CV: Curriculum vitae
CV[RMSE]: Coefficient of variance root mean square error
DDC: Direct digital control
ECM: Energy conservation measure
EEPF: Energy Efficiency Project Framework
EIA: Energy Information Administration
EIS: Energy information system
EMIS: Energy management and information systems
EPP: Energy Performance Protocols
EMCS: Energy management control system
EMS: Energy management system
ESCo: Energy service company
ESPC: Energy savings performance contract
EUI: Energy utilization index
EVO: Efficiency Valuation Organization
FDD: Fault detection and diagnostics
FEMP: Federal Energy Management Program
FPT: Functional performance test
HDD: Heating degree days
HVAC: Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
ICP: Investor Confidence Project
IGA: Investment grade audit
IPMVP: International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol
IRR: Internal rate of return
kW: kilowatt
kWh: kilowatt hour
LCCA: Lifecycle cost analysis
M&V: Measurement and Verification
MF: Multifamily
MMBtu: Million British thermal units
NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology
NPV: Net present value
NYSERDA: New York State Energy Research Development Authority
O&M: Operations and maintenance
O&P: Overhead and profit
PE: Professional engineer
PFT: Pre-functional test
QA: Quality assurance
SaaS: Software as a service
SIR: Savings to investment ratio