- QA Specification overall structure
- QA timing / sequence - EE project development tasks and sub-tasks / related QA activities
- Five major sections: Baselining; Savings Calculations; Design, Construction and Verification; Operations, Maintenance and Monitoring; Measurement and Verification
- Major sections broken down into Best Practices, QA Methods, and Resources
- Owner’s representative and third party involvement
- Uncertainty and risk
- Documentation package
- QA specification “sits behind” the QA checklists; there are six checklists available to support the QA process, for each of the Commercial and Multifamily protocols
- The QA spec addresses all of the components of the protocols - each of the required elements/procedures/documents for Commercial and Multifamily
- These are grouped by common elements (common to large, standard and targeted), or elements specific to each of the three types of protocols
- RMI shared a tool under development, intended to be used to document energy modeling inputs and outputs. These type of report templates are intended to document what was done and the results, and to direct the modeler’s efforts, so they knows what important information to collect and report. RMI is developing instructions for its use, how to describe elements in the models, and develop programs that could automate collection of these data
- RMI wants to road test this resource on actual projects
- The QA Spec effort is looking for other resources like this one, that may be applicable to other aspects of the EE project development
- The QA specification is shared on GoogleDocs. ICP is seeking comments and thoughts on the sections that have been developed or are under development. Use the “comment” feature in GoogleDocs to comment or share your thoughts. If logging in anonymously, please include your name in comments, so we can follow up with you directly when appropriate.
- In addition to comments and thoughts on the QA specification itself, ICP is also looking for additional resources and tools we should be considering, or that are under development (such as ASHRAE Guideline 1.4 which is applicable to Systems Manual development)