Resources / Tools / Thoughts
Data - historical energy usage
Data - historical energy usage
- completeness of data collection and validity of data
- utility data analysis - stability and normalization
- retrofit isolation baseline development
- Universal Translator v3 - The UT3 is software designed for the management and analysis of data from loggers and trend data from building management systems. The software features import routines, time and interval correction, calibration error correction, data filters, charting tools, and export capabilities. It also features analysis modules to analyze economizers, lighting loads, plug loads, psychometrics, setpoints, statistics, control loop diagnostics, fans, AHUs, terminal units, fan coils, and an M&V analysis module (regression modeling).
- ASTM E2797-11 Building Energy Performance Assessment (BEPA) Standard
- Develop baseline regression model using the ASTM E2797-11 Building Energy Performance Assessment Standard methodology or the ASHRAE Inverse Modeling Toolkit and following ASHRAE Guideline 14-2002
- ASHRAE Standard 105 - expressing and comparing building energy performance data; benchmarking. ASHRAE Standard 100 - existing buildings, benchmarking, under development; uses CBECS; guidelines for building not in the CBECS database, weather and occupancy adjustment methods - under final public review (out within a year)
- building data collection methods and processes
- asset data collection
- operational and performance data collection
- ANSI/BOMA Z65.3-2009
- ASHRAE Procedures for Commercial Building Energy Audits (Second Edition 2011)
- Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) 2003 - new coming out this year
- SimuWatt - tablet based energy auditing and data collection tool - proprietary
- Inverse Modeling Toolkit
- BEDES - Building Energy Data Exchange Specification (LBNL) - energy audit sub group, focused on standardizing audits; should be ready in the next couple of months
- DOE Asset Rating System - EnergyPlus engine; generates a scoring for benchmarking / screening tool, but more detail than just billing data (beta phase)
- LCCA - NIST Life Cycle Costing Handbook 135
- International Energy Efficiency Financing Protocol, 2009 (EVO) - the global “blue print” for educating and training LFI personnel around the world on the special intricacies, benefits and risks associated with financing ESPs. It is intended to be a growing set of best practices, resource materials, case studies, standardized tools and guidelines to support LFIs and other energy efficiency stakeholders in their economic and financial evaluation of ESPs.
- Jeff Hirsch -; NIST DLCC financing approach
- RMI - LCAID - Excel based tool for financial analysis
- FEMP - financial summary tools for ESCo projects; finance schedules in the contract
- RETScreen - financial calcs built in
- Implementation cost reasonableness
- RS Means and previous estimates
- GSA - developed unit pricing for green features; study performed cost-benefit analysis (pricing framework)
- quality assurance and calibration
- ECM modeling
- BEM Library (RMI); BEM Stack Exchange Platform (Big Ladder Software); BEMBook Wiki (IBPSA-USA); COMNET (IMT/NBI); RMI working on risked-based building energy modeling resources (vetted go to for modeling procedures); ASHRAE energy modeling standard 209 also in the works (two to three years
- NYSERDA Multifamily Performance Program Existing Buildings Component Simulation Guidelines
- FEMP 2.2 Guidelines
- BEM Library Office Benchmarks
- Energy Modeling Input Translator (EMIT) - RMI’s website
- Procedures for Commercial Energy Modeling - checklist at; also a template for ECM summary table; audit forms
- quality assurance regarding methods and assumptions
- reasonability review methods
- Uniform Methods Project; FEMP Guidelines
- BPA - has handful of equipment specific calculators
- CA Cx Collaborative website - Excel add-in; ficus on RCx, weather only for CA; but has this Excel add-in to do profile analysis on building data; diagnostics; handles monthly data
- ECAM - regression analysis (baselining and savings)
- resources
- report templates
- system manuals - concise
- IPMVP discusses OPV
- Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO) - templates and resources
- PNNL - Retuning - guidelines (sort of like ongoing Cx; uses ECAM tool)
- FDD tools / resources
- RCx tools / resources
- Operator’s manual templates
- Training - BPI’s Technical Standards for the MF Energy Efficient Building Operator
- RS Means - preventative maintenance system
- ASHRAE Standard 180 - recommended maintenance by different types of equipment
- Training - Building Operator’s Certification Program (Pacific Northwest) - NW Energy Efficiency Council
- Automated tools
- Resources
- Templates (M&V plans and reports)
- IPMVP; ASHRAE Guideline 14 Whole Building Performance Path; ASTM E2797-11 Building Energy Performance Assessment (BEPA) Standard data collection methodology
- IPMVP Concise; M&V templates
- ASHRAE Guideline 14 - specific examples for Option A and B
- UT3
- methods for determining / quantifying uncertainty
- methods for determining risk
- Monte Carlo
- Open Studio - NREL; uncertainty analysis / parametric analysis - can do a huge number of runs (beta version) - modeling
- ECAM - savings determination uncertainty - utility meters (error)
- energy calcs; no matter what method they use, make sure baseline is based on real data; end-use comparison is performed; energy balance as a fundamental piece
- ASHRAE energy cost budget - forces them to perform QA; for energy modeling
- How do you document that the energy balance has been performed? ASHRAE (90.1) baseline for proposed buildings; can be applied to existing buildings too