Johnson Control Inc. (JCI) through its Building Efficiency Business Unit delivers products, services and solutions that increase energy efficiency and lower operating costs in buildings for more than one million customers worldwide. Operating from 500 branch offices in more than 150 countries, we are a leading provider of equipment, controls and services for heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, refrigeration and security systems. JCI has been involved in more than 500 renewable energy projects including solar, wind and geothermal technologies. JCI solutions have reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 18.5 million metric tons and generated savings of $7.5 billion since 2000.
Sustainable Real Estate Solutions, Inc. (SRS) is the industry leader in administering commercial PACE programs nationwide. In 2012, SRS was chosen by the Connecticut Green Bank to implement its pioneering statewide program. More recently, Colorado, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and the San Francisco Bay Area Regional Energy Network have selected SRS to administer their new programs. To serve these markets SRS has developed a unique and scalable project scenario development, underwriting and optimization process which is built into its cloud-based platform. The process, consistent with the Investor Confidence Project (ICP) protocols, has earned the confidence of contractors, building owners, mortgage holders and capital providers that projects underwritten using this methodology will achieve their projected savings.