ICP is a methodology for developing and documenting energy efficiency projects, which enables the creation of standardized projects with reliable returns. When the ICP methodology is fully adhered to, the resulting project receives the designation of Investor Ready Energy Efficiency™(IREE).
Energy Performance Protocols
The core of the ICP methodology are the Energy Performance Protocolsthat define a standardized road map of best practices for originating energy retrofits. They leverage existing and commonly accepted standards such as ASTM-BEPA, ASHRAE 14, and EVO-IPMVP in conjunction with ICP specified procedures, and documentation.
These protocols represent a best practice for commercial and multifamily projects. The ICP Energy Performance Protocols create a standardized roadmap for the development, documentation and verification of energy efficiency projects in order to create confidence with investors (including finance companies, insurance companies, and most importantly building owners) who are making investment decision based on energy savings predictions. ICP’s portfolio of market tested Energy Performance Protocols leverages industry best practices and accepted technical standards, and spans all project types across the commercial and multifamily built environment.
Many investors have recommended that project developers to originate projects that conform to the ICP protocols. Doing so ensures that projects are engineered according to industry best practices, have standardized documentation, and contain reliable savings calculations. Projects that adhere to the ICP Energy Performance Protocols and achieve the designation of Investor Ready Energy Efficiency™ may be eligible for more favorable financing terms, and/or expedited approval. Review the ICP Investor Network listing to find these special offers.
ICP Credentialed Providers
The ICP Credentialing System creates a local base of quality project developer, project specialist, and quality assurance providers who have been trained on implementing the ICP portfolio of protocols and bringing Investor Ready Energy EfficiencyTM projects to market. [ORGANIZATION] recognizes that credentialed project developers, standardized software, and third-party Quality Management processes create confidence in building owners and other investors that projects are high quality and will deliver projected returns. Supporting the local deployment of the ICP Credentialing System allows [ORGANIZATION] to ensure that trained and verified project resources will be available to help generate project pipeline. Details on the ICP Provider Credential program can be found at http://www.eeperformance.org/icp-credentialing-system.html