This expansion of the On-Bill Financing (OBF) program beyond the PG&E incentive programs is designed to give customers and project developers more control and flexibility in the way they take advantage of the OBF product. PG&E has chosen to implement the ICP System in lieu of spending time and resources to develop a set of proprietary technical requirements. Furthermore, PG&E benefits from the ability to utilize credentialed ICP providers for its quality assurance process providing greater flexibility and a more streamlined approval process.
- Industry tested best practices and a pathway to success for participants
- Reduced costs to implement and maintain technical requirements
- Quicker processing of project reviews and program approvals
- Access to ready made networks of project developers, QA providers, and investors
- Ability to easily transition to market-based solutions for technical reviews.
- Increased confidence in savings by owners and investors resulting in increased program uptake
If you are in PG&E territory and interested in learning how to take advantage of this unique opportunity which offers up to $4m of funding please register for this event and/or add the August 23rd 2017 event to your calendar. If you would like to learn more about becoming an ICP Credentialed Provider, how ICP can apply to programs in other territories, or about ICP’s Investor Ready Energy Efficiency Certification please contact ICP.