ICP Protocol - Basic / Performance Retofits |
The ICP Protocol for Basic / Performance Commercial (ICP-BC) is designed for two project types.
Selecting the most appropriate protocol is one of the first steps in your ICP project journey. Retrofit projects are not simple to classify, so Project Developers should work with their Quality Assurance Providers and Investors to select the best protocol for each project based on that project's size, scope, and risk profile. The goal is to achieve "substantial" compliance with all requirements of the selected protocol; however, working with a professional engineer as a selected third-party quality assurance provider, protocols can be adapted to fit each project so long as any changes are documented in notes to the QAA check-list, and do not substantially affect the accuracy and rigor of the certification. |
Performance Guarantee or Pay-for-performance: This protocol can be used for any project, including large projects, where at least 50% of the projects performance risk, based on meter-based third party or open-source measurement and verification, has been shifted from the investor to the Project Developer.